Well 2 categories of wacky I think. there is old school turn of the century wacky.
Old School : Black people will get to be white in the new word (you know......perfect). The president of the society building a home in San Diego to winter in for his health without anyone seeming to have a problem with that. And the fact that many Jehovah's witnesses don't care about these things because you know......its not like we believe that NOW.
New School : The wackiness is much more nuanced....and dangerous. Convincing a mother that it is actually in her child's best interest for her to withdrawn her parental affection and nurturing, so as to make them feel "loss" and they can return to their religion. That s a great one.
Convincing everyone that a God seemingly obsessed with blood in a variety of forms, wants them to not use blood medically, except sometimes when its almost blood anymore kinda, but still you shouldn't take blood because its like eating it, even though the context of scripture none of hat even applies, sure people have died but they are alive to Jehovah blah blah blah.
Just wacky. Yes a short time ago for me....it was gospel.